Tuesday, April 2, 2024

This is it. Let's Reflect


    The End... For Now

    Hey, blog. I didn't consider that this would be the last post I make for months (till next school year) until today. And genuinely felt sad until right now. I will be submitting the Portfolio Project tonight, the project that Isabel and I have been working on together, as well as my individual CCR videos. This experience has opened my eyes to the tedious nature of making even a two-minute video. We researched, planned, experimented, shot, and edited- all of the above. Having a goal and completing it always feels rewarding, but especially with a project like this where you work towards developing a final product, I'm really proud of it. 

    Of course, I think there's always room for improvement, but I feel good about our final product. I have learned (as I have with other projects this year) that executing an idea takes time, so giving myself that time and just starting immediately even if I don't feel confident yet is key to success. I have learned to be comfortable using more technological resources such as the editing software Adobe Premiere Plus, which I was doubting at first but now am so happy I leaped towards. I have genuinely learned so much by putting what I've been taught in the classroom and what I've practiced with other projects to use, combining tools from foley sounds to writing a screenplay, all things I have wanted to improve in and feel much more confident in. Overall, I'm happy to be ending this era, as it's been hard work but brought me more experience and optimism about fulfilling an expectation, proving to myself that I can take what I learn and use it to actualize my ideas. Eighth-grade me would be really happy knowing her ideas came to life! (Along with Isabel's committed contributions of course)

    Take care, See you in October!!!

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